Ljubomir to bits
Wines, beer, spirits, books, knives, tableware… These are some of the ingredients that make up the universe of Ljubomir Stanisic and that, since August 14th, can be purchased in the…
Wines, beer, spirits, books, knives, tableware… These are some of the ingredients that make up the universe of Ljubomir Stanisic and that, since August 14th, can be purchased in the…
Bicho do Mato, the beer created by chef Ljubomir Stanisic in partnership with Cerveja Letra, has just been awarded a Silver medal at the Concours International de Lyon (CIL). Launched…
The first anniversary of the new 100 Maneiras is celebrated on 28/02/2020. And since this new 100 is not “just” a restaurant, but the life story of Ljubomir Stanisic and…
After a first edition, launched in early 2019, Ljubomir Stanisic and Cerveja Letra joined forces again and launched a second batch of 2505 bottles of their beer, Bicho do Mato….
It took a long time but it’s finally here: the second batch of Refugees Rum has just arrived. After a first edition, launched in late 2018 and awarded a bronze…
Designed over four years, the new 100 Maneiras has not only emerged as a new restaurant but also as an opportunity to create, from scratch, a space that would realize…